L'unica speranza per i brutti sono i medbeds con tecnologia ad ologrammi

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In poche parole usano i principi della fisica quantistica. Le ossa sono fatte di materia, ma la materia, nella sua forma più infinitesima, è fatta da vibrazioni, frequenze ecc (l'atomo è composto da elettroni, protoni, neutroni e a sua via da particelle sempre più piccole finchè non si arriva alle frequenze). Quindi andando a manipolare le frequenze che sono alla base si tutto si possono manipolare anche le ossa e tutto il resto.
Da qui la possibilità di ricrescere arti per intero (e non con protesi), di far diventare tutti Chad e Stacey, è possibile correggere asimmetrie, far diventare tutti alti 2 metri, ringiovanire di 20 anni e più, correggere tutte le cicatrici, correggere l'AGA e tutto il resto.

"Essentially it is a combination of two pieces of technology there's a software element and a hardware element the software element is able to take a blood or tissue sample and get a perfect read of the DNA code from that sample then that software is able to take that code translate it through a software code so that it rebuilds that person to a level of cellular resolution via that genetic code that's as then as an electronic essentially image now the hardware element is the holographic projecting lens which has some special properties to it so even though i explain this i'm not giving away this all the secrets by telling how this works this way so the holographic projecting lens then projects that image that cellular level genetic identical image of the person that you're treating over the damaged tissue and one of two things sort of happened at the same time there which is that the damaged cells through a physical phenomenon again a phenomenon of the laws of physics something called dominant harmonic frequency resonance will then naturally begin to conform and change their shapes back into ideal cells the other thing that happens is that the nuclei of damaged cells become fooled by the presence of holographic cells and holographic nuclei that then these cells will continue to grow into so not only can you restore any damaged tissue interior or exterior but you can also restore lost tissue so a finger that's blown off a hand that's blown off an arm or a leg that's blown off you can grow all the way down to fingertips or toes and regrow severed and destroyed limbs"

It only takes a couple hours doesn't it?

"Well it depends on how much tissue you have to repair the more tissue you have to repair the longer it can take if i had my hand burnt and had third degree crispy burns all over it i could probably get that hand repaired in an hour and a half to two hours if i lost an arm or had an arm that was fully damaged that could take you know the better part of a day if i had you know couple arms and a couple legs that had gone missing and a good portion of my torso i could be you know in that thing regenerating cellular tissue for several days"
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